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The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain

Base 5 ~ Seals

Hello and welcome to the Seals homepage!

Our class teacher is Mrs Wood and the wonderful teaching is Mrs Garrett.

In Seals, independence and understanding go hand in hand – we embrace mistakes and really begin to learn from them as “the expert in anything was once a beginner”. The children are encouraged to find themselves, their creativity and their love for learning as they embark on their journey into key stage 2.

The aim of our page is to give you an insight into what we are learning about in class each theme along with suggestions of how you can support your child at home. You will be able to access information regarding; weekly homework, times tables, spellings and topics we are studying in class at the moment.

I hope you find this information useful, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Seals team or email Mrs Wood at base5.teaguesbridge@taw.org.uk

Useful Information

Reading books and records must be bought into school each day.

Children are expected to read at home – this can be with a more experienced reader that can support them when they need it. Any books or reading that they have done can be added to their reading record, not just the ones from school.

Children have their username and password in the front of their reading records for them to be able to access our online learning resources, please clink below to find the link:

Homework will be sent out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.

Our first PE session is on a Monday morning first lesson – please can children arrive at school in their PE kit ready to begin.

Our second PE session is on a Friday – please can children arrive at school in their school uniform as normal.

Please ensure all clothing and shoes are labelled, as well as bottles and any other belongings the children have with them in school – this is a huge help when items are misplaced!

Value of the Month

The value for this month is equality and we will be understanding what the word means and the importance this value holds in both the school and community. Children will be earning tokens and working towards becoming the Values Champion for the class and be awarded by Mrs Abdulla.

Term Theme

This term we will be focusing on the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.  We will explore how Britain became Britannia, before understanding what the Romans brought to Britain. We will then learn about the Iceni tribe and their revolt against the Romans and the significant role of Boudicca, whilst understanding the attempted invasions and the idea of the “Romanisation” of Britain. Finally, we will learn what led to their falling and the legacy they left behind as we gain a deeper understanding about historical sources.

Our love to read book this half-term is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, which will support us in answering questions, predicting events, and making inferences.

In Science this term, we will be continuing to explore magnetism and non-contact forces, suspending magnetic items in mid-air under the influence of magnetic forces. The children will test materials for magnetic properties and think about what materials are magnetic. They will describe the properties of a magnet in simple terms and learn about the uses of magnets too.

Curriculum Offer

Seals - Spring 2


Miss S Wood

This Week's Homework

Homework will be sent out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework will always consist of:

Handwriting - this is to give the children the opportunity to practice writing some common exception words for their stage over time to improve with words they are likely to be consistently writing.

Fridge Words - these are words we have or will be learning in depth in school. They are to be spoken in different concepts and for the children to hear them repeatedly in and out of school, so that they can add, store and recall them to improve their vocabulary range.

This Week's Spellings

Children will be introduced to new spelling rules each week.

This weeks rule is:
adding the suffix -ation

At school, these are embedded in a range of ways, but continued practice at home can really support their recognition of the rule and help children to apply this to their writing.

Children are encouraged with the suffix rhyme, “Is there a letter I need to swap, is there a letter to double or drop?” to be able to spell accurately and apply the correct suffixes.

Children will also have the appropriate common exception words sent home during handwriting. Once children are able to correctly spell these words, they will receive the next set. 

Times Tables

Children should be practicing their times tables regularly in order to embed this in their memory, which will enable them to begin accessing a deeper understanding as we move through our mathematical units. In year 2, the children learnt their 2’s, 5’s and 10’s times tables. In year 3 we will be learning our 3’s, 4’s and 8’s.

Children need to be able to fluently recall their times tables to access other areas of maths, so please ensure they are logging into Times Tables Rock Stars to practice and earn as many coins as possible!