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Base 4 - The Dolphins

In our year two class we have Mrs Muir, our class teacher, and Mrs Salter, our teaching assistant.

Homework for Literacy and Maths will be sent home on a Friday, and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Remember to encourage your children to practise their times tables on the Times Table Rockstars website. Logins have been sent home, but if you require a reminder please ask.

Each child has a reading diary to record any reading they do, either in school or at home. It is important that children bring their reading diary to school every day so that reading in school can be logged. Children can record any books they read at home, not just their school reading books.

Communication books can be used to relay any messages/questions/concerns you might have for the class teachers. Responses will be recorded and returned the same day as received. Please remind children to pass on the communication book when they enter the classroom so messages are received promptly.

Our usual P.E sessions take place on Mondays and Fridays but P.E. kits can remain in school all week and will be sent home on Friday. Please ensure all P.E. kits and uniforms are clearly labelled to avoid misplacing them.

Value of the season

Value of the season month is Equality. In Base 4 we are going to be developing an understanding of what this means and importance of this value.

Term Theme

This half term our class topic is The Great Fire of London with the driver subject being History.

In History this term children will be learn about the Great Fire of London. We we find out how the fire started, why it spread so quickly, and who the significant people were at the time. We will need to know when the Great Fire of London was in relation to British History, and understand how life was different during this time. We will learn what life was like for the poor and the rich, and why times were difficult due to the Plague and the threat of war. 

In Art we will be looking at the art element of Line and shape, with a focus on the artist Van Gogh. We will look at some of the art by Van Gogh and learn what type of artist he was. We will then practise different ways to use line in art, which will lead on to an end product of creating our own piece of art using line. 

In Science, we will continue our topic on Living things and their habitats. They will delve deeper into a range of habitats and microhabitats. Identifying and naming a variety of plants and animals in their habitats. Children will explore a range of microhabitats around the school grounds including the gardening club and forest school, searching for living things and discussing why these habitats are suited to the animals/minibeasts that live there. They will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain.

Curriculum Offer

View our Curriculum Offer Part 1 PDF document

View our Curriculum Offer Part 2 PDF document


Mrs K Muir

This Week's Homework

Children have their username and passwords in the front of their reading records for them to be able to access our online learning resources.

This Week's Spellings

Please see each child’s weekly spellings on the Common Exception Words handout sheet weekly. These are yours to keep it home. Refer to these when your child is learning to spell them. You could cut them up and use them as flash cards or create your own spelling games at home

Times Tables

This year children will be learning their 10, 5 and 2 timetables.